



You have a lot of questions when you’re looking for the best school for your children. To help you make your decision, we’ve answered some of the questions we are asked most often. However, if you have questions not addressed on this page, call or email us. We’d love to talk with you.

What is a charter school?2018-07-17T14:45:53+00:00

A charter school is a type of public school organized under an agreement — a “charter” — that allows parents and guardians to choose the school they believe is best for their child without having to pay for a private school. While they are free from some regulations that apply to traditional public schools, public charter schools still must:

  • Meet state education standards
  • Employ licensed teachers (or teachers who are in the process of obtaining a license)
  • Have open enrollment policies
  • Not discriminate in any way
What is Damar Charter Academy?2018-07-12T13:22:19+00:00

Damar Charter Academy is Indiana’s first public charter school focused on serving the needs of children with intellectual and developmental. The school serves students in Kindergarten through Grade 12.

When did Damar Academy Charter School open?2018-07-27T19:23:19+00:00

August 17, 2011

Where is Damar Academy Charter School located?2018-08-01T17:26:17+00:00

Damar Charter Academy is located at:

5125 Decatur Blvd., Suite D
Indianapolis, IN, 46241
How is Damar Charter Academy funded?2018-07-12T13:22:06+00:00

Damar Charter Academy is funded by a variety of sources, including federal grants, state tuition support, local support and private foundation funding. The school receives state tuition support in the same way that other public schools do (based on the number of students), as well as financial backing and management from Damar Services, Inc.

How is Damar Charter Academy governed?2018-07-12T13:22:03+00:00

Like other Indiana public charter schools, Damar Charter Academy has established an independent nine-member Board of Directors that oversees governance and operations. The school adheres to Indiana Department of Education regulations, with additional oversight and monitoring from the Office of the Mayor of Indianapolis, which sponsors the charter.

Why is there a need for Damar Charter Academy?2018-07-12T13:15:31+00:00

By specializing in the needs of children with challenging disabilities, Damar Charter Academy allows more students to maximize their potential. Drawing from Damar Services’ half-century of providing services to people facing life’s most challenging barriers, Damar Charter Academy is part of a legacy in which 94% of people Damar has served have gone on to live more independent lives.

If my student / child gets accepted off the waiting list, how will I be informed? What are my next steps?2018-07-13T17:53:46+00:00

A representative from Damar Charter Academy will contact any applicant accepted off the waiting list to inform him/her of the next steps.

What are the school hours?2018-07-13T17:53:49+00:00

In general, Damar Charter Academy will operate five days a week, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 pm.

Do students wear uniforms or is there a dress code?2018-07-27T19:25:33+00:00

There is no school uniform required for students. Damar Charter Academy recognizes that each student’s dress and grooming is a manifestation of personal style, individual preference and in some cases individual ability. Students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for school and to maintain a proper level of personal hygiene. For more details on the school dress code, see the school handbook.

Lunches – does DCA offer free and reduced?2018-07-13T17:53:56+00:00

Damar Charter Academy offers meals to students at full-price, reduced-price, and at no cost, depending upon eligibility standards established by the federal government for USDA Child Nutrition Programs. Families who may qualify for free or reduced-price meals are encouraged to complete the Application for Free or Reduced-Priced Meals and return it to the school. Parents are notified when the application is approved or denied.

Do students participate in state testing?2018-07-13T17:53:59+00:00

Yes; because Damar Charter Academy is a public school, the State of Indiana requires regular testing to collect data on student performance.

What are transportation options?2018-07-13T17:54:02+00:00

It is primarily the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide student transportation to and from school each day. However, Damar Charter Academy will provide limited bus transportation to and from school from select satellite locations in central Indianapolis. This is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Do the students take field trips?2018-07-13T17:54:06+00:00

Damar Charter Academy offers many opportunities for students to participate in both community-based instruction (CBI) and field trips. These outings supplement and enrich classroom instruction. Parents/guardians must complete permission forms in order for their child to participate in these outings.

Who is eligible to enroll in a Damar Charter Academy?2018-07-13T17:44:32+00:00

Any child age 5-year-old (kindergarten) through grade 12 can enroll in the school as long as the student is an Indiana resident.

Can students from outside of the Indianapolis area apply?2018-07-31T19:52:05+00:00

State-sponsored charter schools like Damar Charter Academy must welcome application from all students in the state. Transportation is not provided.

What do I have to pay for my child to attend Damar Charter Academy?2022-04-12T13:45:43+00:00

Damar Charter Academy does not charge tuition for Indiana students applying to the school under the choice provisions. However, student families are responsible for paying all applicable registration fees, book rental and supply charges, student activity fees and meal costs.

When is the application period?2022-04-12T13:51:04+00:00

Families are welcome to apply at any time.  Damar Charter Academy offers enrollment throughout the year, as spaces become available.  When the number of applicants exceeds the number of available spaces, a lottery will be held in the spring each year to determine enrollment for the next school year,   To be considered for the lottery for the 2022-2023 school year, families must submit a new application between January 1st , 2022 and May 3rd, 2022.  Any applications received after the deadline will be added to the 2022-2023 waiting list in the order in which they are received.  Enrollment Form

Is there a sibling preference at Damar Charter Academy?2018-07-31T19:56:20+00:00

Damar Charter Academy is committed to family involvement. The Charter Founders believed preference to siblings was beneficial — for the siblings, the family, and the school community in general — to keep young siblings together whenever possible and desired. Therefore, the school’s charter gives preference to siblings. A sibling of an already-enrolled child may be offered admission before any child on the waiting list.

Must students re-apply every year?2018-07-31T19:58:59+00:00

No. Once admitted to the school, an eligible student will automatically qualify for enrollment in subsequent years without being subject to an additional lottery. However, if a student withdraws from the school, he/she will be considered a new student for future admission purposes and may be subject to lottery, depending upon vacancies.

How does the waiting list work?2018-07-13T17:48:15+00:00

The waiting list is determined (at the time of the lottery) in the order that lottery numbers are drawn. Openings in the school are offered to those on the waiting list in strict numerical order. An applicant cannot defer an offer and keep his/her spot on the waiting list. If an offer is declined, that applicant is removed from the waiting list and the opening is offered to the next applicant. Applicants on the waiting list have the responsibility of keeping the school informed of phone number and address changes.

If my child is enrolled and we move, can he/she continue to attend the school?2018-07-13T17:48:59+00:00

Yes, students who move within the state of Indiana can retain their enrollment at Damar Charter Academy.

How can I participate as a parent?2018-07-13T17:49:39+00:00

We strongly encourage parents to attend IEP/Case Conference meetings, Parent Teacher Conferences and Board of Directors meetings; and to become actively involved as a school volunteer.





Damar Charter Academy
5125 Decatur Blvd., Suite D
Indianapolis, IN 46241